Selected references
Books and articles
- Optical Illusions and the Visual Arts, Ronald G Carraher and Jacqueline B Thurston, Studio Vista, 1966
- Constructivism, George Rickey, Studio Vista, 1967
- Abstract Art Since 1945, Umbro Apollonio, 1968
- Op-Art, Cyril Barrett, Studio Vista, 1969
- Human Information Processing/An introduction to Psychology, Peter H Lindsay and Donald A Norman, Academic Press (New York and London), 1972
- The Tradition of Constructivism, Stephen Bann, Thames and Hudson, 1974
- The Moderns/1945-1975, Terry Measham, Phaidon, 1976
- Art in Wales 1850-1980, Eric Rowan, University of Wales, 1985
- Op Art, Ornament oder Experiment?, Karina Türr, Gebr. Mann (Berlin), 1986
- “Reflections on Art History and Historical Materialism”, in Art Has No History!, John Roberts, Verso, 1994
- Constructed Abstract Art in Britain, a neglected avant-garde, Alastair Grieve, Yale University, 2005
- Optic Nerve/Perceptual Art of the 1960s, Merrel, London and New York, 2007
- A Computer in the Art Room, the Origins of British Computer Arts 1950-1980, Catherine Mason, JJG Norfolk, passim, 2008
- White Heat Cold Logic/British Computer Art 1960-1980, Paul Brown et al (Eds.), MIT Press London, 2008
- Aesthetics and Alienation, Gary Tedman, Zero Books, Winchester UK/Washington USA, 2012
- Colour, Facture, Art and Design, Iona Singh, Zero Books (as above), 2012
- L’Ultima Avanguardia, Arte Programmata e Cinetica 1953/1963, Lea Vergine (ed) Mazzotta, Milan, 1983
- Exacta/From Constructivism to Systematic Art 1918-1985, Fausta Squadriti (ed), Milan, 1985
- A Taste of the Avant-Garde/56 Group Wales/56 Years, David Moore, Crooked Window, Brecon, 2012
- Concrete Parallels, Concretos Paralelos/British Constructivism Brazilian Concrete and Neo-concrete Art, Cultura Inglesa, Dan Galeria, Sao Paulo, 2012
- After Constructivism, Brandon Taylor, Yale University Press, London and New Haven, 2014
- Constructive Concepts, Willy Rotzler, ABC Editions Zurich, 2nd edition, 1988
Academic dissertations
- Sandra Hoffman, Jeffrey Steele, MA dissertation, Friedrich Alexander University, Nuremburg, 1991 (in German)
- DM Bunyard, The British Contribution to Op Art: Michael Kidner, Bridget Reilly, Jeffrey Steele, MA dissertation, University of Southampton,1996
- Alan Fowler, Constructivist Art in Britain 1913-2005, PhD dissertation, University of Southamption, 2006
Texts by Jeffrey Steele
- “Towards a Non-Egocentric Art” in ICA Bulletin No 164, December 1966, pp10-11
- “Cicerone” in The Anglo-Welsh Review, Vol 16, No 38, Pembroke Dock, Winter 1967, pp55-67
- “Systeemi – Syntactic Art” in Systeemi/System exhibition catalogue, Amos Anderson museum, Helsiinki, 1969, unpaginated
- “Systems Theory and Syntactic Art” in Systems exhibition catalogue, Arts Council of
Great Britain, London, pp52-56
- “Collaborative Work at Portsmouth” in Studio International, Vol 192, No 984, London, November/December 1976, pp297-300
- “Core Conditions and Boundary Conditions” in Artscribe No 7, London, July 1977, pp39-41
- “The Identity Concept in the Constructive Context” in Constructive
Context exhibition catalogue, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1978, pp47-49
- “Notes Towards Some Theses Against the New Kitsch” in Art Monthly No 18, London, July/August 1978, pp19-20
- “Closing the Dossier on L‘Pier and Ocean’ ” in Art Monthly No 40, London, October 1980, pp30-32
- “Vilification of Constructive Art” in Art Monthly No 61, London,
November 1982, pp21-23
- “On Cézanne’s Alleged Ineptitude” in Art Monthly No 120, London, October 1988, pp24-25
- “Notes on the Development of my Work” in Jeffrey Steele exhibition catalogue, Galeria Seno, Milan, 1989, unpaginated (in Italian)
- “Chance, Change, Choice and Order: A Structural Analysis of a Work by Kenneth Martin” in Leonardo Vol 24, No 4, Oxford, 1991, pp407-417
- “Taxinomia and Taxomania: Some Groundwork Towards an Evaluation
of the Art of Robert Smithson” in Art Has No History/The Making
and Unmaking of Modern Art, ed John Roberts, Verso, London, 1994,
- “The Double Life of Patrick Heron” in Art Monthly No 183, London,
February 1995, pp24-25
- “War Between Philosophy and Art” in Radical Philosophy No 80,
London, November/December 1996, pp55-56
- “The Plurality of Concrete Art” in Schriftenreihe No 7, Forum Konkrete Kunst, Erfurt, 2003, pp11-17 (in German)
- “Richard Paul Lohse as Philosopher” in Stiftung Richard Lohse website,
2005, pp1-19
- “What do you expect from the viewer? Notes on the possible
reception of a possibly rational art” in A Rational Aesthetic exhibition catalogue,
City Art Gallery, Southampton, 2008, pp47-54
- “On the Status of the Space Frame” in Modern British Sculpture exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2011, pp166-171 and 303-305
- “Sia Meccanico che Intellettuale” in Kiliagono No 2, Vanni Scheiwiller, Milan, 1995, pp5-9